weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte Heinz

EAN code : 5390003011093

Presentation of the product

Product features

Product visual : weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte Heinz

weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte Heinz , code 5390003011093
weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte Heinz

EAN-13 code :

EAN code 5390003011093, code barre weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte Heinz

The product has the EAN code 5390003011093, it is called weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte of the brand Heinz.

Nutritional values :

Not enough data to provide a report on nutritional values.

Nutritional Scores

Not enough data to generate a nutritional report.

Description :

  • weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte Heinz
  • Brand : Heinz
  • Quantity : no information
  • Main category : no information
  • Related categories : no information
  • Type of packaging : no information
  • Classification : no information
  • Date the product was added : 29 Apr 2020

Location of production and sales

  • Origin of the ingredients : no information
  • Place of manufacture or processing : no information
  • Country of sale :
  • Sales signs : no information

How many calories in the product weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte ?

Not enough data to calculate the number of calories in the product.

Ingredients, composition

Food composition

Ingredients :

15 minutes, smartpoints value tm condensed partially a salt, flour lk powder, ter, whole lk), palm oil, 1 oil, wheat oumen, mono and nutrition serves 2 % ri* 65g per dessert per dessert per 100g typical values 1063 kj 691kj 8% energy

List of product ingredients weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte Heinz

Contains at least one ingredient derived from palm oil.

Gluten free

Additives :

No additives noted by the contributors, check the ingredients.

Allergens :

No allergens noted by contributors, check ingredients if available.

Presence of possible traces of :

No traces of allergens found by contributors, check ingredients if available.

EAN code 5390003011093

The EAN code 5390003011093 corresponds to the product weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte described above.

EAN code 5390003011093, weight watchers salted caramel and chocolate torte Heinz
EAN : 5390003011093

© les contributeurs d'Open Food Facts - Données disponibles sous licence ODbL et photos sous licence Creative Commons CC-BY-SA